Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kami's Bus

Kami started riding the bus out to the Early Learning Center preschool after her 3rd birthday. It was quite the moment seeing her climb on such a big bus and being so little. She adapted quickly and has such a nice bus driver and bus aide.

She is doing amazing out to her school and her speech has improved drastically over the last several months. She has the nicest teacher there and really enjoys the days she gets to go.

She's now talking in sentences and says the cutest little things. We are very blessed to have her making the progress that she is.

She said the funniest thing the other night. She said that Taylor and Dad are boys. So I then asked her what her, mom and Hollie which she replied, 'ladies'. We're not girls...she's fully convinced we're ladies. It just makes me laugh.
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Lindsay Phenes said...

Oh man, her face does not look happy on that last picture! Funny stinker. Dad and I were just talking the other day about how well she is talking now. I'm so grateful for that!

The Botts said...

I can't believe how big she is!! Your baby is 3!! The things that kids say, and I love that you are all "Ladies"....that totally cracks me up!!! She is adorable and I love that she is talking now! We need to let her and sister play...and of course Haddie!!

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!