Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Morning Fun

I must start out by saying that I consider myself pretty lucky with our yearly Christmas Day 'wake-up' time which ends up around 7:30 or thereabouts. I remember my parents telling us we couldn't get out of our beds any earlier than 6:00, and us laying there for what seemed like hours before just watching the clock.

Checking out the goods from Santa.
Some of the highlights for Taylor were some books & a Wii game; Hollie- a guitar and a Littlest Pet Shop play center, Kami- Baby Alive and a Playdoh Kitchen Meal Maker and stockings full of goodies.

I must add that when putting Kambri to bed on Christmas Eve our conversation went a little something like this:
Me: Ok, you need to go to bed good so Santa can come.
Kami: I don't like Santa. I don't want to see him.
Me: He'll come while you're sleeping and leave you presents.
Kami: Ok!

She seemed pretty alright about Santa in the morning when she saw her loot!! :)

Holl's guitar

What's next?

This is a picture of our dishwasher with the water running and overflowing out all over the kitchen floor. We had problems with it a few months ago and the repairman came and fixed it. Then on Christmas of all days...we start having the same problem again. Shaun fixed it for the time being...hopefully permanently, but time will tell.

Hollie got loose with my camera and actually got me a few fun pictures. The one above is Kami's new table & chairs with some new wall decorations for her room.

Such the cute little mommy.

I thoroughly enjoy watching the kids open their presents and seeing the excitement on their faces. We do it by starting with the youngest and we do one present at a time so we all see the reactions and what everyone gets. Plus, it makes Christmas morning last just a little bit longer.

We were all spoiled and got lots of fun new things. Most importantly, we were able to spend a day with little fighting and enjoy our time together.

1 comment:

Lindsay Phenes said...

Ahhh I love Christmas morning! Your kiddies looked like they enjoyed it as well.

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!