Kambri is quite the lil' trooper I have to say. For a year now a speech therapist and service coordinator from the Up to 3 program have been coming into our home working with Kambri with her speech. We are making a lot of progress and her speech is now considered to be a mild-moderate delay rather than extremely delayed from when we started last April. That's extremely encouraging and it is obvious she has made leaps and bounds.
Within the last 2 weeks we've added a Behavioral Specialist into her service plan. The lady came over yesterday for her first visit and it's going to be very beneficial to all my kids. She's primarily for Kambri and we're working with her separation anxiety and some other anxiety issues, but we're putting into place a good solid discipline 'plan' for all of my kids. I feel very optimistic about the direction we're heading...although as she said, we expect it to get worse before it gets better. My kids are good kids, but we've never had a solid discipline plan and therefore nothing gets followed through on. Oh, but that's changing! :)
Now after just completing Kambri's 6 month review they've decided that it would be beneficial to add an Occupational Therapist into the plan as well. This is mainly due to her really struggling to transition from one thing to the next. I suppose in some ways it's a good thing, because her attention span is relatively long, but it really makes things hard when it's time to go from one task to another. So...on board comes the OT!
We will now have a Service Coordinator, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and a Behavior Specialist coming in once a month. This is in addition to the weekly 'Wee Wonders' groups that I can (and probably should) be taking Kambri to.
So we're learning lots and new things are always evolving. Who needs to go to school???! We're going through our own 'school' at our house and it involves every last one of us!
That's a little update on the 'ists' Kambri is meeting with! :) We are very grateful for the progress being made and their efforts with her.
3 years ago
Wow! That is making me tired! I hope it all works out good for you guys! Hang in there!
I'm so proud of Kam! She has made so many improvements. And you were worried Haddie would out-talk her! Silly sister. I'm glad to hear you're feeling so positive about it all! That in itself will help Kambri, having her momma backing her up :)
That is fantastic that Kambri is doing so well!! I am so proud of you Kellie, you are such a great and supportive mom! I don't know if I could handle all the work it is probably taking!
We need to get together, REally!!! I miss you tons!
holy hanna! You've got your hands full! Way to be a great mom!
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