Monday, July 6, 2009

My Sweet Niece Haddie

I absolutely adore my niece Haddie! She is so much fun and does the cutest dang things. She absolutely loves stuffed animals and this is one of the many that she totes around my house when she is here.

I love that she gets so excited when she sees me and yells, "Auntie"! I sure do love this little girl right next to as much as I love my own kiddos.
All of us girls love getting together and playing whenever we can and we always serve our infamous gourmet lunch, Mac & Cheese.

Kambri and Haddie are the best of friends!
Haddie took off with Hollie's bag of Skittles that she got with one of her presents. She thought she was pretty sneaky.
THIS, is her stuffed animal of choice at my house. However it is Hollie's and she has some strict rules that Haddie must follow to be able to run around with it. (Really she just can't take it outside.)

I'm so grateful that Lindsay and I live so close so that we can have the close relationships that we do with our families!!
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1 comment:

Lindsay Phenes said...

I want copies of all those pictures. Somehow she managed to keep her pigtails in until after they were taken! Do you know EVERY single time we turn onto your street, she starts shouting 'Auntie'? She only stops once she gets out of the car!
I hope you know, Kell, how very much it means to me knowing how you adore my little girl. And it's very obvious how much she adores YOU! She couldn't ask for a more wonderful Auntie! Thank you for all you do for her. And myself as well. You're the best.

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!