Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All in a Saturday mornings fun

Lindsay and I are trying to take up this whole 'turning junk into treasures' trend. So, a few weeks ago we got up and went out on our yard sales trek.

The main highlights of the event for myself were these:

My family room is being done in the outdoorsy moose/bears type thing and this basket was the right price at $1. So far it's holding remotes in it, but we'll see what it becomes.

I'm going to change my kitchen over from apples to stars & hearts. This box opens up and has shelves. I'm not sure what I'll put inside but I thought this was cute and it was also $1. Check back for the finished project. (I'm committing myself to finishing it sometime this year. Haha!)

I definitely need to keep checking out yard sales repeatedly because I'm sure I miss out on a lot of good stuff just because I go so infrequently. I'd love to hear about your steals from yard sales.
Then the girls decided they needed slushies when we got back.
They seemed rather pleased don't ya think?

And of course, the afternoon was completed with our gourmet Mac & Cheese that we love, oh so much.
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Lindsay Phenes said...

I love your yard sale finds. I was more excited for your stuff than my own! You need to get that shelf done. It will be darling
The girls did seem to enjoy their sno cones didn't they? Cute little girlies anyway.
Let's do some projects this weekend. It will be fun, and will make us feel better getting some stuff out of the way. Plus, I really like to cross stuff of my lists. I make lists just so I can cross stuff of :)

Anonymous said...

Fun yard sale finds! I LOVE to turn junk into treasures - it's so rewarding. And if you get bored of something after 6 months you don't feel bad changing it out for something else because it cost you next to nothing. :D I noticed that the shelf didn't have a back - maybe you could back it with scrapbook paper or something? I think it would be cute painted and distressed a little bit, too. I wonder what you could display in it though...

You and Lindsay NEED to come to the DI with me one of these days. We could just bring the kids along, too. It'd be fun.

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!