Things at the Bess's have been a little wild lately, or so it has felt at least. Nothing major, just life!
Kambri was doing really good with potty training last week, but has done some backsliding over the weekend. We'll get her back though, no worries. She's also been doing rather well with the binky. She still gets it occasionally at nap or bedtime, depending on the struggles we're facing at that moment with her...or my will power.
I've been having some bouts of frustration with Hollie lately. This is not something new that we're experiencing, but something that we thought she had 'outgrown'. She gets in these rages where I truly believe she can't control herself and they're UGLY! Part of it plays into lack of respect to Shaun and I and we're really addressing that and not letting her get away with it anymore, which of course increases these rages. Taylor also struggles with the respect thing at different times. So...I'm going to plan a little Family Home Evening on respecting your parents and family members!! :)
Hollie and Kambri played together so nicely yesterday. They played together so well, that Shaun and I even dosed off asleep for a few minutes...that NEVER gets to happen! I was so excited! We had stake conference, so it was a very relaxing day at home and then we went up to my parents house for dinner.
Shaun has been having ongoing frustrations with his job. I hope eventually something will be resolved so that he can be happier. He works so hard to provide for us and I wish I could make it easier on him at work!
I went to the Ogden Temple on Friday night with my Aunt Brenda. It was nice to go with her and spend time visiting with her afterwards over dinner. My 2nd time was definitely much different than my first. Apparently we picked a busy night as we had to wait for over an hour to get into a session. But I'm glad I went. I was more nervous this time and I hope that each time I go back it gets easier. I received some answers I had went looking for and that was the highlight of my evening.
And...the final confirmation is in! I'm good to go with ending my child bearing years permanently. I go in tomorrow morning to have an endometrial ablation performed. It should be a simple procedure and a quick recovery. It is nice to be in a place that I truly feel done. I love each of my kids and I'm so grateful for them, but to know I'm done is a good place to be. So, hopefully everything goes as smooth as possible and I'm back on my feet quick. I do have 3 little ones to tend to and I'm not one who can be kept down...pain or no pain!! :)
3 years ago
Let me know if I can help at all with the Taylor or Hollie thing. Are you going to try any 'rewards' or anything for good behavior? I do need to have more sleepovers with them - it's been awhile. Maybe incorporate that? Lemme know, I aim to please :) I'm so proud of you for going to the temple the other night. Keep that up!
Let me know if you need anything at all tomorrow! Remember, take advantage & get some R&R while you've got a good excuse! Let us help ya out, give ya a break. I love you, sister! Good look tomorrow!
I am so glad you found me. I was thinking about you the other day. I hope you don't mind if i add you to my list. Keep in touch!
How was the surgery? I hope that everything went well. I'm a member at Anytime Fitness on 1100. I really like it there & it's around $20/month. Let me know if you join...I find it much easier to go with a buddy.
We're planning another girls night...just here in Brigham...YOU BETTER COME! I'll keep you posted
Hey Kel, happy new year to your family. It's great that you and your family (or just you ;) have so many goals for the new year. Good luck with them all!!
How did your surgery go? I keep thinking I'm done and then Colt supports me and then I gett worried that we're not. But I'm the same, I feel happy with the three I have.
Let me know about the surgery, I've considered that myself. Take care of you!!
I am so glad you had a good time at the Temple. Let's set a date for the Bountiful Temple and we can go together!!
I didn't know you were doing a surgery...hope all is well! You have an adorable family, and I think you are a great mom!!
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