Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hollie's Class Opera

Hollie had her school opera and it was so cute! They've been working on it all year long. The students actually write this play as a class and then with help they set it to music.

They were animals at Hogle Zoo who ran into each other and their spots ended up on the other animals. They had to come up with a way to get their own spots back. Hollie was a giraffe; the cutest I've ever seen.

Shaun, Grandma Brenda and cousin Lacie went to the performance during the day. Then Grandma & Grandpa Hansen, Aunt 'Sissy' and I went to the evening performance. (These pictures aren't all that great due to it being a cell phone.)

Hollie was surprised with flowers from Grandma and Grandpa.

The kids all painted their costumes and scenery as well. I can't believe the amount of time that goes into these operas. They do such a great job!!

Congrats on a job well done, Holl! We were all very proud of you!

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Lindsay Phenes said...

I loved her opera! It was so darn cute. Don't worry - when I watch the video I won't tear up this time. My meds are working just fine these days lol. Congratulations, Holl. On a fantastic job with your opera! You're the cutest giraffe I've ever seen :)

Brittany said...

Soooooo cute! I can't wait for Carson to get to do something cute like that in school. He will go to preschool next year, so it will be awhile! She made an adorable giraffe! Thanks for sharing!!!

Wendy H. said...

Hollie makes such a cute giraffe!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me to the Opera. It was great and Hollie was a wonderful giraffe. Mom

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!