Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our excursion to the Scrapbook Expo

Me, my mom, and Lindsay had a wonderful time at the Scrapbook Expo on Friday. We got down there early afternoon and stayed until midnight. We didn't really get much accomplished in the way of 'work', but we sure bought a lot. :) There were so many great deals to be had and we had a ton of fun! We have already planned that next year we'll be overnighting down that way and going both days. Thanks Mom and Lindsay for the fun time!

I also got to see my dear, sweet Emily! Ever since she moved to Idaho I think we've seen each other twice. It was so good to see her and I only wish we could've spent more time together.

These pictures are from the brief 1 hour we may have spent at the table trying to look productive.

This picture shows the remaining $$ left from the cash I took down with me. It's $1.09 to be exact. I thought it was absolutely hilarious.

If you are into scrapbooking and have never made it to the expo, you must plan now to attend the next one! :)
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Dave and Emily said...

It was wonderful to see you. Sorry we left without saying bye. Britt got sick Friday night and it was nuts. I will let you know when we come down and we have to get together.

Stefanie said...

Did you guys ACTUALLY scrapbook??? Wow, I'm impressed. I've been once but only to spend the $$ like you did. :) I'm into doing it digital, now. It's so much easier for me with my little ones. It just works better.

We're doing well, how are you doing?

Brittany said...

Looks like tons of fun...it is always good to hang out with your mom and sister(s). I should get my family to go do something fun like that! At least you didn't spend ALL your money! :)

Lindsay Phenes said...

It was so much fun having you and mom all to myself at the Expo!
That happens very little with no interruptions from our kiddies. It was money well spent, even if I never use all that I bought! (I'd better though, or Mark will have me on the chopping block!) :) My fave pic is all that money in your wallet! You're loaded!!!! I really don't think the dude at McD's was too impressed though LOL

Chris said...

now all we need is a SIBLING night out. quite soon to be exact. i miss spending time with you guys.
my only question is how much DID you have to spend at the expo?

KIM said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I can imagine you guys laughing about your $1.09. You are lucky to have your mom and sis close...

Stefanie said...

Holy cow!! I just found (through here) Chris' blog. Is he seriously not 6 years old anymore?!?! Why can I not picture him being a grown - dare I say it - man?? (You don't see him as a man yet, do you? ;)

Tell him he needs to post a recent pic of himself on his blog. I just can't picture him this old! Strange. I'd comment myself but he probably has NO idea who I am. Right? :)

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!