Friday, March 13, 2009

A Sunday the ER!

It's a frequent used phrase about "out taking a Sunday drive..." right?! Well, we had a Sunday night drive to the ER.

The girls and I were finishing up a fun evening of playing together and it was nearing bedtime on Sunday night when I hear a blood curdling scream coming from Hollie. Without sharing too many gory details and protecting her privacy to some degree in the matter, here's what happened.

Shaun and I recently got a new bed and it is quite tall, so Kambri pulls over her little folding chair to climb up on. Hollie evidently was staying/playing around on the chair, came down and straddled it and REALLY hurt herself. We had a lot of bleeding and she was in an enormous amount of pain, rightfully so. After we get her laid down on the floor I immediately call my mom who is an RN and she says she'll be on her way.

Poor girl is just a shaking and freaking out. I was really afraid she was going to go into shock so I kept my focus on calming her at that point. And the poor thing is crying and asking things like, "am I going to die?" She was so scared, it just broke my heart aside from the pain she was obviously in.

After we checked her out a bit we decided it'd be best to take her to the ER and have her checked out. It was quite the traumatic event due to obvious reasons. But after all was said and done, the doctor said it would heal alright and just gave a few suggestions for keeping her more comfortable in the process. And the little stinker, as soon as we got out she called her Aunt Sissy to tell her what happened and she's bubbly as ever and telling her it was "fun". Fun is the last word I would've used to describe what we just encountered with her. I guess that's good that it wasn't overly traumatizing! :) So, we told her she was brave and because of it Grandma Leslie bought her a Slurpee and gave her a $1. So Hollie has been telling everyone because she was brave she got a slurpee, money, a sucker, a hospital bracelet, and a picture in her gown. What a trooper! Why do emergencies always happen on holidays, weekends, or after hours? Never fails.

Before...waiting for the doctor to come in...

After...albeit sore!

She is still a bit sore, but doing better. And so the world turns.
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Katie Jo said...

Poor little girl. I feel feel for you. Kassi did that last summer on the tramp. She was Black and swollen for a week. I felt so bad that had to be painful. Give her our love. Hope she is feeling better now :) Love and miss ya, Katie

Lindsay Phenes said...

My poor little Hollie girl! I'm grateful she's starting to feel better. I remember all too well my experience with the same thing on the trampoline. I did get to stay home from school...Mom bought me Dweebs and I got to watch Pippi Longstocking. YAY! She really was too funny when she called me though...I knew it had to have been worse than she told me!

Brittni said...

What an experience! Hope she is feeling a lot better & I'm happy that she had fun. Tell her that her $1 goes towards the emergency bill :) just kidding

KIM said...

Wow...hope she is feeling better! What a trauma!

Folkman's said...

Man, that made the hairs on my neck stand up! OUCH! I hope that she's heals up quick and is all better real soon!

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!