Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On to something...

I've been wanting to catch up with some pictures. So, be sure and read all my new posts. I have officially just exceeded my maximum number of posts in any given month. Maybe I'm on to something...

In August we (my side of the family) went up to Glenn's Ferry campground in Idaho. We stayed in cabins and had a lot of fun. (Minus the flies and mosquitoes. I'm just not much for things flying all around me.) We sent the guys to get a few things from the grocery store and my dad decided to bring back a swimming pool for the girls. They had a blast with it, and even got to take a bath in it.

Taylor doing what he loves to do most...

Shaun and Haddie trying to keep the flies away

My brother-in-law Mark. He's such a hoot.

These pictures don't do the girls' fun justice. I'll have to get the pictures from my sisters camera. We even have the bath time pictures.

One thing is certain...I'm not a very good camper. Even with the cabins, I've just been spoiled with the condos we have. I even cheated while we were up there and went to the laundromat a few times. Did I mention a terrible, terrible camper? :)


Lifes Great Adventures said...

It was great to hear from you, I haven't seen you forever! You have a cute family.

Stefanie said...

Oh my, Kellie!!! How are you doing?? I was pleasantly surprised to see your comment on my blog. I'm so glad you found me, not sure how, but glad you did.

I was thinking about that last time I saw you and I believe it was on "Black Friday" 2005. I remember because I was feeding Marley (my now 3 year old) in the produce section at the Brigham City WalMart.

How is your family doing? You all look so happy so you must be doing well. Your girls are darling, isn't it crazy to have three? Sometimes I feel so old but I absolutely love it!! I can't believe how big Taylor is. It makes sense, they grow every year, right? I haven't seen him for probably 8 years. Crazy.

I love seeing your mom at church every week. She is my boys teacher and he just loves her. It's so fun being back in the ward. There's still the "same old" people but yet lots of new couples have been moving in so it's extremely fun. It brings back so many memories.

I saw that you have others from our YW ages on your blog. I haven't talked to them for a long time. How is Val doing? I tried looking at her blog and obviously can't get in. Tell her hello for me.

I should really get your email so I don't talk so much via "comment". Keep posting and I'll keep checking in on you.

Thanks for commenting!!

Brittany said...

Hey Kellie...I am so happy to see you blogging so often!! Such cute pictures of your girls eating thier sandwhich! Happy Bday to Kambri!! I can't believe she is 2!! How fun! Keep it up!

love Brittany

Hey, did you notice so far those of us that have commented are Destiny, Steph and myself who were all in the same ward and YW together...funny huh!!

Jacey said...

yay! new pics! love them darling kids you got there! how have you been!? I miss you guys im gonna come in and visit soon...the only time i really can though is on my lunch break so be expecting me around 1:00! ill be there tuesday or wednesday!

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!