Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My baby just turned two!

Well, it's official. My baby isn't much of a baby anymore. Kambri turned 2 last Friday. The only thing that even resembles a baby anymore is her binky that we (Mom) haven't turned in yet, diapers (need to make that a priority), and the fact that her speech is still coming along at a slower rate. Other than that, she now represents a toddler.

So, this post is dedicated to my almost big girl! I love you so much Kambri. *Warning, it's rather lengthy.*

We had a great day together. She helped me make her cupcakes for her party (it's become a tradition for the kids to help make their birthday cakes). I have a lot of pictures I want to share and should probably do a slideshow, but #1 I don't know how and #2...I wanted to give a description on some of them.

She was in heaven. She couldn't believe the treat that Mom was letting her snack on so early in the morning.

Kambri had a Dora party complete with both sides of the families. It was a lot of fun to see Kambri thoroughly enjoying each aspect of the party. She seemed just as excited over opening her cards as she was with the actual presents.

Kami and my niece Hadley.

My niece and nephew from Shaun's side of the family have always really liked my mom. My mom ended up with all the kids on her lap with the exception of Taylor. At one point she had 6 of them on her lap. They all thought it was great.

There are 2 more kids on the other side that you just can't see.

Her new bedding set from Grandma Leslie. I will get pictures taken now that it's set up in her room.

Every good momma needs the proper equipment for her baby. She also got a Baby Alive that coos and talks.

I should have taken a picture of her whole loot, but I didn't. She got some clothes, diapers, play purse set, another doll, a Dora trike, etc. She got spoiled!

And the after math...
It's hard work being the birthday girl!

The Top 10 Things we love about Kambri:

1. She is such a cute little 'Momma'. She loves to take care of her babies.
2. When one of us comes home from somewhere, the way she comes running to give us loves.
3. Her run. While she runs she throws her arms straight back behind her. It's hilarious.
4. Her giggle. Need I say more? There's something about little kids' giggles.
5. Her facial expressions/features. Especially her 'O' face and her beautiful eyes.
6. The way she folds her arms and bows her head for prayers.
7. Her voice. It's music to my ears and I love how she's starting to imitate the things we say. Everyone loves her 'dog-dog'. That's what she calls dogs.
8. When she grabs my face with her 2 little hands so we're looking each other straight on. She does this sometimes when she's chattering away to me, or when she gives me kisses.
9. Her child-like innocence. Her amazement in the small ordinary things helps me try to keep things in perspective.
10. My new favorite is singing this song we learned from her speech therapist about fishies swimming in the water. She loves it!

I have held on to every little stage that Kambri has gone through and each milestone we've reached. Knowing while pregnant with Kami that she would be our last child, I've cherished and hung on to every moment. She brings so much joy into our home. I can't imagine our family without her. I enjoy our time alone and look forward to watching her as she continues to grow. (Just take it slow my little one...)

1 comment:

the heath's said...

way to update...your little is kambri is getting very big. so cute. I could kinda see your red wall in the background. looked cute

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!