Monday, August 5, 2013

5th Grade Events with Hollie

(Ok, SLIGHTLY behind- we're now in 6th grade- better late than never right?!)
Hollie registered to do the Beehive Mile that was held at Watkins Park.  She had a great time doing it and even held back at the end because a friend of hers was having a hard time due to asthma.  I was quite proud of her.  She likes to be a part of so many different things, things I was much too intimidated to do at her age.
Before the race
After the race

Then on top of it she decided to be in the 5th grade talent show! She sang a solo, "Let Me In" from Rigoletto with me accompanying her on the piano.  She did a wonderful job, she has a beautiful voice!  I'm so glad she doesn't let fear get in the way of doing these kinds of things.
I'm so grateful that all of my kids have a love for music!

Then of course she had to do the science fair.  Shaun is a good dad and agreed to help build a volcano.  They had a great time figuring out the perfect combination of vinegar and baking soda.  I'm not sure that she really cared about the logistics of a science fair as much as she just wanted to make something.  But regardless she had fun!
Now onto a new school and new adventures!

1 comment:

Joey Tracy said...

Good work on a post! Let's see what everyone else is up to!

BTW - I was expecting a story about the maturation lecture in 5th grade when I saw your title :) Oh, well.

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!