Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School

Summer is officially over and school has started.  I think we've all been ready for this change and to get back into a routine.  Funny how when school first gets out you're so excited for a more relaxed schedule and then when it's time to go back to school you're so ready for routine again!

Lots of changes and firsts at our house this school year!

Taylor and Hollie get to ride the bus together!  It will be nice to not have to take them to/from school this year.  They're so cute.  They've made a deal that whoever gets up first will check to make sure the other one is up and going.  This may just be the nicest thing they've done for one another in a long while.  :)

Taylor is officially at Box Elder High School.  HIGH SCHOOL!  He's a 10th grader this year and I can't believe how quickly everything is changing.  He got his permit in July and LOVES to drive.  Can't believe he's old enough for all of this.  This first trimester he has quite the courseload but I have no doubts he'll do great! 

Hollie is in 6th grade at the Intermediate School this year and has been so excited to get a locker, in fact she stayed after school on the first day so she could get it all decorated! :)  (I SO remember doing the same when I went in to 6th grade.)  She has already made new friends and likes that they get to change classes.  So excited for all the possibilities this year will hold for her!

Kambri is in 1st grade and in the Chinese Dual-Immersion program this year!  She's very excited and each day comes home and teaches/shows me something new she's learned in Chinese.  Kambri told me I didn't need to walk her in to school, that she's a big girl...I didn't give her a choice and told her that Shaun and I would be walking her in for her first day.  Sometimes that independence is heart breaking, especially of my baby! 

She had to have a special picture taken that showed her with her backpack better;  such a funny girl.

So here's to a fabulous 2013-14 school year!  I spent the first day of school sleeping and reading;  it was wonderful!  This will definitely take some getting used to with having Hollie getting off to school earlier and Kambri being in school all day now.  I'm so excited for each of them and the things they will learn this year, friends they'll make, and the memories they'll make!
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Raymond and Nicole said...

Oh my goodness your kids are so stinking big!!It's so crazy! Glad to see that you posted!! Keep them coming!!

Carol said...

Glad your daughter is liking her Chinese class. It's quite the adventure

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!