I've pretty much fallen off the blogging bandwagon but not for lack of desire...just motivation!! :) But I wrote down a few things lately that my girls have said that have been so funny & something I wanted to remember for many years to come.
Scenario with Kambri: She's running around being naughty and I plead with her to please be good.
Her response: "It's fun being bad. It makes your life easier."
Scenario with Hollie: We're talking about the fact that Grandma Leslie's dog Gus is going to be a daddy.
Hollie: "Who got Meisha (Gus' pregnant girlfriend) pregnant?"
Me: "Gus did."
Hollie: "How did he get her pregnant?"
Me: Quickly thinking how I'm going to respond. Then she interrupts my thoughts...(phew)
Hollie: "And what does her owner think of this?"
If you know Hollie very well you've seen the way she says things out of the blue, so innocently, and kind of goofy. This was TOTALLY one of those moments. I just cracked up laughing!
Scenario: I'm trying to get ideas for Christmas from Kambri.
Me: "Kambri, what do you want for Christmas?"
Kambri: "Just YOU!"
Me: "I'm already yours. What else?"
Kambri: "Just YOU! I'll wrap you up and put you under the tree and then I'll unwrap you on Christmas."
Me: "You'd be disappointed on Christmas Day if all you had was me."
Kambri: "No I wouldn't."
And everytime I ask her, I get the same response- as does anyone else who asks what she wants. I think it's super cute, but one of the sweetest things also!
I sure love these kiddos!!
3 years ago