Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy 8th B-Day Hollie

I can hardly believe my lil' Princess is already 8! Hollie is such a joy in our family, we love her so much!

What a beautiful girl she is!!

She decided on a self-portrait for her b-day!

We relighted the candles several times so the smaller girls could have 'their' turn!!

A rather quick cake...but I think it still turned out cute!

Hollie got a lot of fun presents. She loves clothes and got several in that direction. Grandpa LaMont took her shopping to pick out what she wanted. They headed to the Newgate Mall because she has been talking about 'Pillow Pets' for months now. So she got one of those and was extremely addition to some other things he got talked into.

From Shaun's family she got a card with a certificate to go shopping on them! She ended up buying an i-Dog, clothes, 2 cute bags (did I mention she is definitely my bag/purse girl?)...

Her own new outdoor chair amongst the many other things...
I'm quite sure she could be considered spoiled! But we all love her so!

Aunt Sissy, Grandma Leslie, Grandpa LaMont & Taylor
8 things I love about Hollie, in no particular order...

#1- Your wittyness. You says things that leave us all laughing, without even trying.

#2- Your imagination & creativity. We never know what you're going to come up and what things you will use in the process.

#3- Your love for music. You have a beautiful voice and have the potential to do great things with it. It's something that comes natural for you and I love when you sit with me at the piano and sing, and that you've developed an interest in learning to play the piano. I love to listen to you sing and to see the passion you have for it.

#4- Your stubborness/tenancity/determination. This is one of those things that can be a struggle between you and others (most especially you & me because we are so much alike). I believe this will prove to be a great strength for you in later years.

#5- Your ability to share & do kind things for others. You frequently make pictures or other things for others and you're very quick to share with others.

#6- Your beautiful smile & dimples. Be proud of them!!

#7- Your love for Heavenly Father & Jesus. I love that it is a 'fight' between you and Kambri for who gets to say the prayer, those are actually proud moments for me. I am so proud of you and to see the way the Gospel is affecting you in your life.

#8- You are so loving! I especially love our moments of snuggling together or spending time just the two of us and having 'grown-up' conversations.

I love the girl you are, and the young lil' lady you're growing into. I hope we will always be close! You are such a vital part of our family! Thank you for choosing your dad & I to be your parents!!


Lindsay Phenes said...

Your Hollie sure has a wonderful, unique personality all her own. I'm so grateful to be able to watch her grow & become her own beautiful person. Thank you so much for allowing me to be involved in her life :)

Raymond and Nicole said...

Looks like lots of fun! Your cake turned out very very cute!!!! Good job!

Mike and Amber said...

That cake is so darling!!

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!