Sunday, August 9, 2009

Double Coupon Savings

I was a little late jumping on the 'Double Coupon Promo' at Smith's, but I still ended up with some fairly decent deals. (Or at least I thought so!) You should have seen my trip though, I basically went up and down every aisle seeing what coupons matched up for a good deal.

My poor Hollie was bored to tears by the time it was all said and done, but in fairness, I forewarned her and she still chose to go. I kept teasing her that I was nervous to see how much it all cost, because I just might have to leave her in trading. LOL! She is such a funny girl, she put on her pretend worried look and started acting quite goofy.

When we got home Shaun started trying to help put away groceries and I had to get after him that I needed to take pictures first. So I got all the non-food items lined up and then he started throwing food items in, so I had to inform him that that wasn't how the pictures were going. :) Taylor kept making fun of me and asking if we were going to start photographing all of our groceries from here on out. Little stinkers...

Item - Listed Price - Double Coupon Value - Paid Price
2 Downy Laundry Softener - 4.88- .50 off= 4.38 each 8.76
2 Pampers Diapers- 8.77 - 2.00 off = 6.77 each 13.54
3 Dial Hand Soap -1.00 - .70 off = .30 each .90
5 Suave Deodorant - 1.39 - 1.50 off = FREE
6 Old Spice Deodorant - 2.33 - 1.00 off = 1.33 each 7.98
2 Spic & Span General Cleaner- 2.29 - 1.10 off = 1.19 each 2.38
2 Cover Girl Nail Polish- 2.77 - 2.00 off = .77 each 1.54 (Hollie purchase)
4 Crest Toothpaste- 1.00 -1.00 off = FREE
2 Comet Cleaner- 1.39 - .70 off = .69 each 1.38
4 Boxed Electrasol Tabs- 3.00 - 2.50 off = .50 each 2.80 (Dollar General)

Total Spent on Non-Food: $37.59
(If you go back and double check my math it doesn't add up. The total spent is accurate, so somewhere I messed up on the coupon amounts. I was trying to do it by memory.)

1 Capri Sun Sunrise- 2.11 - 2.00 off = .11
2 Nesquik Syrup- 2.00 each - 2.00 off = 1.00 each 2.00
8 Mars Candy Bars -.79 each - 1.00 off = FREE
2 Pringles - 1.65 each - 1.00 off = .65 each 1.30
(1) 2-lb cheese block - 5.99 - 2.00 off = 3.99
3 Boxed Texas Toast - 2.99 - 1.50 off = 1.49 each 4.47
4 Ronzoni Bistro Ind. Serving - 2.23 - 2.00 off = .23 each .92
1 Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs- 2.00 - 2.00 off = FREE
2 Oscar Meyer Beef Dogs- 2.50 - 2.00 off = .50 each 1.00
1 Pkg Land O' Frost 1 lb sliced lunch meat- 3.49 - 2.00 off = 1.49
2 Kraft Cheese Singles- 1.50 - 1.00 off = .50 each 1.00
2 Tyson Chicken Tenderloin 2.5 lb bags- 5.99 - 2.00 off = 3.99 each 7.98

Total Spent on Food: $24.26

I felt pretty good about my little shopping spree. Some of the things weren't considered a 5-star deal, but they're some of the things that we buy that specific brand anyways. Of course, nothing says I love you, quite like FREE!!

Sorry that this post is a little jumbled. I would go back and try laying it out a little nicer, but I've already spent WAY too much time on this specific post. For any of you who aren't familiar with Pinching Your Pennies (PYP) we must chat, and soon!!

Here's to hoping that Smith's offers us more double coupon days in the very near future...


Lindsay Phenes said...

HAHA! I got more cheese than you did! :P However, you got more stuff all together than I did. Partly because you haven't given me coupons for quite awhile! Jerk :)
I'm so impressed with your shopping trip. You got some awesome deals. Good job, sister!

Brittany said...

That is great!! I tried it a few times with coupons I could print, but I don't take the paper, so I don't get coupons. I really need to learn how to do it, so I can justify paying for the newspaper! Maybe that's what we can do when we get together next time!

Chris said...

nothing makes me happier than free. you still need to instruct me and mike in the art of free, and scalping the grocery stores for all they're worth. oh my dear sisters i'm excited to turn 20 tomorrow

Folkman's said...

Good job on the coupons Kell! I wish I were ambitious enough to do it!

Wendy H. said...

I can't believe you bought that much food for that amount! I am so impressed!

Lifes Great Adventures said...

Wow good job! I need a lesson!

the heath's said...

Hey lady!! When are you going to update your blog already??? How are you, I miss chatting with you. As soon as summer calms down we need to get together and catch up and hang out. Hope things are going well for you.

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!