Saturday, June 20, 2009

These are 3 of my favorite girls

About a month ago we babysat Haddie for a bit. Hollie had made this big deal to Lindsay that she was going to help baby-sit her.
The girls were playing in the backyard and Shaun had a section of sprinklers on in the front while he was mowing the rest. My girls went around the sprinklers, but not Miss Haddie. She went straight through the middle of it. Then she found another section and went and just hung-out in the middle of it. So, the other girls decided to follow suit. Haddie was the leader, Hollie followed...and Kambri just stood on the outskirts.

Needless to say, the girlies ended up needing to be cleaned and some dry clothes after their outdoor adventures.

Cute girls before...

Cute girls after. This is how I found them shortly after bathtime. These are certainly 3 of my favorite girls!!
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Lindsay Phenes said...

I love Haddie's "O" face! Lil stinker has done that since she was a few days old. That story still cracks me up - leave it to my kid to START causing the havoc :) She's always been my water baby. And I have to agree, those darling girls are MY 3 fave girls as well. I'm glad they're such good friends!

Brittany said...

Such cute girls! It looks like the get along so great! How fun to have such great cousins that are FRIENDS too!! I am sure your girls will have a good friendship like you and Lindsay have!! I am glad to see you are so close to her!

I am the WORST Friend! I totally missed your bday! I will make it up to you...I promise! But Happy belated bday anyway!! Love you tons!!!! I was actually in BC today, as part of the BRHS class of 99 reunion..(crazy I know)....but once we got done swimming had lunch, we had to head home...but maybe we could get together next week sometime. I will try and call ya!!

Sorry for the long comment, I guess I could just email you!! :)

Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!