Well, it's been quite the interesting week. Between trying to soak in the whole temple experience and a sick kiddo, it's been quite the week.
I have been so overwhelmed by the support from everyone with my going through the temple. (Side note: I'm kind of bummed that my mother-in-law hasn't said 2 words to me about going through though.) After Thanksgiving, I am definitely going to plan a day to go through again. It's only been a week since I went and already I'm feeling the lack of that 'feeling'. I want that to stay with me, but obviously life is life and sometimes it's not all smiles and giggles. Thank you so much for your words of praise and encouragement.
We went to my parents house on Sunday for dinner. We get there and my mom is quite sick with the flu type stuff. Well, lo and behold Tuesday morning Kambri starts with the pukes. Now, I have a SERIOUS aversion to puking. There is an actual puking phobia, it's called emetophobia. I have it to a 'T' as ridiculous as it may sound to some.
So I spend all day Tuesday crying as I'm holding my sick baby girl, trying to be a good mom, but going through the ringer inside as I do so. So, I went on a total germ-a-phobe rampage and have been since with hand washing, sanitizer, Lysol, etc.
My mother-in-law watched the grandkids at my house on Wednesday (Kambri was acting better then) and was so good to wipe down all the door knobs, light switches, toys, etc for me because she knows how the flu stuff affects me and was trying to help out. So I think we're out of the woods with Kambri when she's gone over 24 hours without any more episodes. I wake up at 3:30 Thursday morning and she's throwing up AGAIN!!! Holy cow, let me just tell you I'm consumed by the fear right now of anyone else in our family (including myself) catching this crap. Yes, I'm starting to really feel like I could use a shrink to help me with my fear of throwing up and mice. How ridiculous! :)
So, a nice update is that we have had no more incidents since Thursday morning. Praise the heavens. My Lysol'ing mission is still in progress and I plan to keep it up throughout the winter periodically. We had someone sick constantly last winter and it was depressing as all get out. And no matter what they're sick with, they're never all sick at the same time, oh no. They each have to take their 3 days-week for themselves. A month goes by and, wow, we're over one thing just to start another. NOT THIS WINTER!!!
So, like the General Surgeon's Warnings...this is General Kellie's Warnings: Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing, and Lysol! :)
3 years ago
1 comment:
So I'm glad Kam is feeling better. Not so glad that she gave it to me, however! Thanks so much for your help tonight - I really appreciate you. Bathing Haddie for me was so nice of you and Hollie. Hoping I won't be feeling so green tomorrow. And crossing my fingers Haddie will sleep through the night. Pray for me! Anyway, thanks again. I love you sister!
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