Monday, March 10, 2008

Little Ones

I confess...this blogging isn't going as I'd planned! I'd really hoped to keep things up to date better. Life has been insane. I know, excuses excuses, but total truth!

These are pictures my sister and I took about a month or so ago when she came to play! It is so stinkin' fun being an aunt! I have so much fun with my niece Haddie when we can finally get together. My sister only lives 2 blocks away, but it may as well be 2 hours because we still have a hard time finding the time to get together like we'd like to!

I thought I'd try catching you up to date on what the kids are up to these days as well!

I truly enjoy being an aunt and having a LITTLE baby around again, but it sure is nice to know I'm done with that little stage! :) I'd much rather play when I want to and then let mommy...aka Lindsay...have the responsibility of being up all night with her!! Haha!!

Hollie and Kambri love playing with baby Haddie. Taylor of course is no where to be found in these pictures. He likes to stay to himself in his downstairs "apartment"...or so we call it jokingly! :) (I think he just likes the quietness down there, versus the zoo upstairs!!) He is so grown up. He has such a caring heart and is SOOO incredibly smart! He ceases to amaze me with the things he comes up with for his age. When I can get him alone, we have such grown-up conversations about lots of things! I'm so grateful for him and the big help he is to me!

Kambri tries to be such a big help with Haddie! She just adores her. It's amazing how young their nurturing instincts kick in! I have a picture of Haddie on my fridge and I'll say to Kami "where's Haddie?" And she goes and points to the fridge. It's so darn cute! She's getting so big and I'm so enjoying every little thing that she does! She isn't really talking yet. She does say "mama" which is so cute and then of course her jibberish that SHE knows what she's saying, if only the rest of us could understand! She is smart though and understands most of what is said around her. It's hard to believe she's getting so big. I still remember the day I had her like it was yesterday. I am holding on to every stage she goes through, and each little thing she does as we truly feel she will be our last!

My Hollie! She's quite the character. She definitely keeps me on my toes and does try my patience as much as she thinks she can possibly get away with. I'm pretty certain she'll have middle-child-syndrome! Haha! We do have a great time together and just like with Tay, when I get her one-on-one, we have some pretty grown-up conversations. She LOVES to shop! We went to Wal-Mart the other day and she wanted to look at the clothes. Well, if she'd have had her way that day, she'd have had hundreds of dollars worth of clothes. She is 110% girl, which makes it a lot of fun!

This picture was actually taken around Christmas time. My dad is a photographer (let me know if you need hookups) and we were trying to get one of all the grandkids together. That was fun! It's quite the ordeal trying to get 4 kids all looking in the right direction at the same time...and then keeping Kambri and Haddie happy at the same time!

We do have fun getting together most of the time. It's funny how adding another kid to the picture can create that much more noise. We just got together on Sunday at my parents house and at one point we had all the girls sqwauking in one form or another! Wouldn't trade any of my kids for the world though! I can't imagine my life without them. My family is truly my reason for living.
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Home Is Where Your Story Begins

Welcome to the happenings of the Bess Family!

I'm trying to jump back into the blogging world again! I've had a LOA for about a year but I'm back!

Be sure to let me know where I can find your blog as well, I would love to see what's going on in your life!